Friday, August 1, 2008

Good Morning

Good morning, Susan. It is going to be a great day! With the day I had yesterday, I actually didn't read Day Two until this morning. But I definitely agree with the fact that out attitude first thing in the morning can have a huge impact on our day. I woke up yeterday with the headache still there, horrible sleep, nightmares of vampire and a generally crappy attitude. And I had a generally crappy day. But today is Friday, I have a weekend ahead of me with nothing major to do, and I'm looking forward to it. So I'm starting today with a positive (generally) attitude to make it a good Friday. Stay tuned to see if it works. Might take a day or two or three get the point. But I do get to go home and starting putting my stuff together to keep going on this challange. So there is something to look forward to.

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