Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day 3 and 4: The Chat

Susieq: done day 4 yet?

Angela: Just finishing up both 3 and 4 right now. Should be done in about 1/2 hour. How about you?

Susieq: i really have a hard time with the whole notebook thing

Angela: Im not going to do the notebook. I've started to use a blank book for this kind of thing.

Susieq: the notebook is sort of of blank except for the headingson the pages

Angela: Using the right hand side for my lists and the left hand side for a journal/notes area, etc

Susieq: i just posted a short thing on the blog, but this notebook is what hangs me up everytime. i have this fetish for day planners with all the sections

Angela: I know what you mean and although we're encouraged to do it exactly this way, I do think you need to modify to something you will use and works for you.

Susieq: i thought about just using my day planner and just making those few sections to see if that works. but then i started thinking maybe i should give this a try just the way it says. of course, i feel like crap today and that isn't helping

Angela: I just can't carry another notebook around with me. I have so many all for my school stuff that I know it just will get left at home.

Susieq: yeah, i hate having to carry just a notebook that size with me which is why i thought about using the planner cover cuzit's smaller and fits on my purse

Angela: I really think what's most important about the whole thing is to have it with you, whatever it is. If the notebook doesn't work for you, use what does.

Susieq: hey, ever heard of the book called quantum wellness

Angela: I don't think so.

Susieq: Some girls are doing it, and i have looked at it at walmart. it seems interesting

Susieq: if this 70 day thing doesn't work, i might try this lol

Angela: well give it 66 more days before we jump ship, okay?

Susieq: oh, this time I’m gonna finish the whole thing. i keep thinking it's the perfect time cuzi have my own place and space. and i never got past maybe day ten before

Angela: I will keep encouraging you if you will keep encouraging me.

Susieq: definitely, this challenge is the reason i got out of bed and came got online

Susieq: i started using outlook and i like it but don't use it for email cuz of the whole online thing

Angela: I don't use it for email either, unless I know I'm gonna be away from access because I can read/type offline on that and send it when I am connected.

Susieq: it gaveme the option of setting that up when i first started, but i said no

Angela: I did too but there is a way to set it up later if you want.

Susieq: sometimes i think it would be nice, but i get so much crap

Angela: Gmail is great for filtering crap out and you can set outlook to retreive the gmail stuff.

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