Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 5: The key to never forgetting

If I were using the notebook the way the challenge has it set up, I would be taking everything on my daily "to-do" list and re-writing it everyday for the reminder to get things done.

I'm NOT exactly using a notebook that way. I do carry a book with me where I will write down items that I need to get accomplished and then I move them to outlook. I plan a day to accomplish that which needs to be done and put the task on that day.

If it's not accomplished the assigned date, the task font will be colored red. The red bugs me enough that I don't think its too important to worry about rewriting. However, I do think I would like a way to further color code the tasks. For example, if a task has gone three days past due, I would like to color those a different color, a week past due, another color, etc.

Does anyone know how to do that? Let me know.

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