Monday, July 28, 2008

Starting the Challenge Part 3

I definitely think things happen for a reason. My job for example. It has taught me many things, but perhaps the most important one is that I can accomplish anything if I just don't worry about it, just start working on it. I always think I won't get it done, don't have enough time, etc, etc. But at work when I have a project, I just start it and follow through, and I am almost always amazed at how short a time it actually takes.
I am trying to use that trait in my personal or home life. I have realized that I can just take baby steps and get a lot accomplished. I started riding the exercise bike two weeks ago, and I have found that it is my mental stress reliever. The clothes don't fit any looser, but on the days I ride it when I wake up, I do feel better mentally. I just get on the bike and do my ten, now fifteen minutes. Baby steps.
A few days ago I started thinking of making some other small steps. And today I opened an email from my friend Angela who lives in Washington. We have been friends for several years, but have only been able to meet in person once. She emailed me and asked if I would like to start the Change Your Life Challenge again. She is the one that got me started on that the first time. But I don't think either of us finished it. So this will be the third time I've started it. The last time I really started getting into it. But there is so much of it that talks about controlling your physical environment. I was living with my daughter. It is her house, so controlling that environment just wasn't gonna work. But almost three months ago I got my own apartment. It is very tiny, but it's all mine. So Angela's email came at a perfect time. We are going to start over. We have even started a blog to write about what is going on. We both have regular blogs, but have been very lax at writing in those. It is hard because she has three teenagers plus goes to school most of the year. I don't have internet in my new apartment. But we are going to try. She mentioned Outlook today, so I'm giving that a try. And I'm going to try writing something on my laptop several times a week and then when I go to my daughter's to get online, I can just take a few minutes to post it.
So here goes! Wish me luck. And thank you, Angela.

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